I may have linked to specific posts at Our word is our weapon but so far as I can recall, not to the site proper. It is worth a look, doing a constructive and fact based demolition job on the simplistic posts emanating from the Adam Smith Insitute, Samizdata and the like.
This for example looks at the ASI's unhesitating and unthinking faith in globalisation and their willingness to bendd the facts in support of that faith, while this takes apart their anti-environmentalism (and records also that I'm not the only one who has critical comments deleted).
Finally this post looks at the general anti-UN stance taken by so many bloggers of the right, in this case pointing to a distorted and selective quoting so as to grossly misrepresent what the UN are doing after the tsunami.
The Indian Ocean tsunami is sure bringing out the cretin in some people. Mark Steyn is the latest one who cannot bring himself to admit that the UN might be helping the victims. So he selectively quotes from a UN press release in order to manufacture a clever-clever pay-off line:
Reading sites like the ASI, Envirospin Watch and Samizdata it is easy to get dispirited by their general biliousness. Our Word is our Weapon is a good counterbalance, which doesn't depend on bluster and sleight of hand to make telling points