There is an anarchist adage with which I have a great deal of sympathy – “don’t vote – it only encourages them”. If I thought that widespread, deliberate abstention from the political process would alter politician’s behaviour towards us, I would be promoting it now. But – and it is a hell of a but – we cannot afford to give them an inch. If we fail to use the vote we have, they will sigh and express regret at public apathy and then seize the opportunity to consolidate their position.
So, much as I would prefer this blog to be an election free zone, it won’t be. I don’t know if I shall ever tell you how I intend to vote, but I intend to comment on what is said and done by politicians as we get closer to the day and they get more frantic in their appeals. For the moment I simply offer another adage – this time from Lazarus Long – “if in doubt, vote against”.
For now, if you are looking for something to vote against, cast your eye over the Tory proposal to make trespass by travellers a criminal act – in other words it won’t be your actions that make you a criminal but which group you belong to. If that isn’t the first step on a slippery slope I don’t know what would be…