I really liked this one - :
Homeless wino spent months in SICU on a vent, unable to wean due to tracheomalacia (years before length-of-stay concerns). Finally gets a Kistner button, allows breathing in through permanent trache and out through vocal cords. Big crowd of MS, residents, fellows, all have taken care of this guy. All have suffered condescending treatment from insufferable male SICU nurse, ex-corpsman, wore a home-made vest with slots for different forceps etc. He was a real prize jerk, unlike all the other RNs, who also hated him.
Button goes in, male nurse says "Eddy! It's me, Jerkguy RN! You can talk now! What do you want to say to me?" Eddy earns himself lifelong (6 more months) fame & a standing ovation by rasping out his reply: "Eat... s**t... and... die!"