Like Ronni Bennett, I am on the move. At the moment we are in that limbo known only to housebuyers in England and Wales as waiting for the exchange of contracts. Once we have got through that stage we can relax a little, but of course all the other problems of packing, disposing of unwanted stuff still remain. Also like Ronni, we are downsizing - not particularly in the house, but in the location. Ronni has moved from New York to Maine, I'm moving from a small town of some 20,000 to a village of some 600 if that (although only a mile or so from another market town.) Even so it will be a big shake up for someone born not that far from the Coaly Tyne. It is this impending move that led me to take so many photographs of my garden, which I will definitely miss - at least until I have got the new one (currently just a lawn) into shape. I wasn't blogging when I made this one, so I hope to document progress here and/or on Flickr
It also means that for a few weeks blogging, which has already been erratic because of illness, will continue to be sparse.