I haven’t posted for a while and for a number of reasons. In
part it is because I’ve been ill with a persistent infection – nothing life
threatening, but draining enough to stop me working and making it hard to
concentrate. As a consequence I’ve seen more daytime TV than I would like and
found it increasingly difficult to give serious attention to the antics of
politicians like Blair and Cameron or to the often equally ludicrous posturings
of posters on Samizdata or the Adam Smith Institute - life's too short.
Having reached 60 and because this illness has kept me
effectively housebound I suppose inevitably I start thinking about my own
mortality. As I said, the infection per se is not major, but it – or rather the
immobilisation it causes - is perhaps a foretaste of what may be facing me over
the next few years. It isn’t exactly a cheerful prospect to think about such
narrowing of horizons, especially since I had promised myself that I would be spending more time on photography and perhaps return to painting.
Perhaps it was bad timing, but this narrowing took place at
the same time as I resigned from the professional body I have been a member of
for some 30 years. I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t ‘please return
your certificate of membership’. The closing of that particular door, even
though it wasn’t a door I had ventured through for some time, perhaps
reinforced my feeling that I was on a cusp, but without knowing quite what was
facing me.
That lack of interest in the banalities of political life is
a further problem in itself, since this blog is not (normally) a personal
journal and I definitely don’t see it as journalism. It has always had
elements of a commonplace book, but it has also been a place where I can
practice the craft of writing. Without stimulus, without some idea, I have
nothing to craft, other than write about my problems in writing, the classic
response of any blocked writer I suppose.
I have several posts unfinished in draft; some now well past
their sell by date. I may be able to revive them but for the moment while I’m
stuck here, infected foot elevated and feeling sorry for myself, postings will
be irregular.