Link: The Home Office is a bunch of ********
They don't let you work, they don't give you money either, they don't let you leave immediately either. So the longer they take, the more they make me look like an illegal overstaying immigrant. Which is exactly what they want. Everything they are doing to me now will affect any future I have of entering any country, anywhere.
So, if they had wanted to be decent, they could have said "right we want you to leave the country, if you do so in two months we won't hold anything against you". Instead, they out of the blue turned me into a criminal.
How did we elect such an authoritarian bunch of bastards? And don't think Cameron's lot would be any better. The tories are just itching to join in with the same sort of nasty populism that Blair and now Brown have indulged in for years. The real worry is that it is working - there are enough people out there who think this is the right way to treat visitors to this country.
The trouble is there is no one else around - UKIP are only united in their paranoia about the EU and if they got near power would fall apart, the local LD politicians I know are bloody useless. Heinlein's precept "if in doubt, vote against" doesn't work, when the whole bloody shower are all as bent and corrupt (either morally or financially) as the next one.
For the first time in a long time I despair...