It is commonplace to describe the US President as 'Leader of the Free World'. I've never been asked for a view on that of course and neither has anyone else outside the US. On the other hand, given that most US politicians and a sizeable proportion of the US population seem both to believe it to be true and to act on that belief, I'm going to exercise my right as a de facto subject and offer a view on the election.
Before the campaign began, my limited knowledge of McCain lead me to think that he was at least a decent man. However the constant barrage of negative ads, in particular the coded attacks on Barama's ethnic origins have changed that. He seems to have no principles to support his campaign, leaning this way and that depending on his audience and the particular issues thrown up by the polls.
Couple that with his selction of Palin as a running mate and any respect I may have had has gone. Almost every time she opens her mouth she condemns herself as at best ignorant, probably not very bright and certainly narrow minded.
If I had a vote in the US I would certainly be voting this time - and not for McCain.