Sometimes you come to put up a post and for some reason nothing comes - not writers block, just you can't summon up the energy to bang your head against the wall of indifference and contempt that the political classes have erected. At times like that it is good to read Arther Silber's blog 'Once Upon a Time'. I've never met Arthur, never corresponded with him. I know very little about him other than he has cats and loves the work of Maria Callas - and that he is dying because he has no medical insurance.
Despite that he still manges to publish incisive demolitions of US foreign and domestic policy. Sometimes his anger just bursts from the page, raging and roaring around you. Sometimes he writes about his condition in such bald terms that it leaves you breathless, marvelling that a man in such pain can summon up the energy to write anything - and angry that the soi-disant greatest nation on Earth can allow its citizens to live - and die in such a way.
If you do nothing else read his blog. Take the time to go through the old postings too. They are a remarkable collection. And please - if you can make a donation to help this remarkable writer. Let him know he isn't alone.